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PGD Update

Get started

Start your journey with the Fertility and Research Centre.

Next steps

No matter where you are on your fertility journey, we’re here for you every step of the way.

Step 2

Book a Fertility Consult

Step 3

Complete pre-consult investigations

Step 4

Review results at Fertility Consultation

Step 5

Sign consents at Fertility Consultation

Step 6

Book in to Nursing Orientation

Step 7

Call the nursing team on first day of period to start treatment

Step 1

See your GP or specialist for referral

Affordable Fertility Treatment You will need a referral from your GP for both yourself and your partner before an appointment can be made at our clinic. Fertility Preservation You will need a referral from your GP or specialist. You will not need to follow the remaining steps on this page, as once the referral is received, we will be in contact with you to arrange a consultation and any testing required.

Step 2

Book a Fertility Consult

Fax or email your referral documents to us via our contact details in the footer. Once submitted, our administrative staff will be in contact with you within 10 business days to make an appointment for your first consultation once they have triaged your referral. If you don't receive a phone call within 10 business days, you can contact our administrative staff to check that we have received the referral. We strive to make this process as equitable and fair to our patients as possible; please note if you call the FRC before 10 business days, we will be unable to make an appointment for a consultation with a clinician until we have attempted to contact patients that have sent a referral before you. We do our best to place you with your preferred consultant – some may have limited availability so wait times for initial consultations can vary but are usually up to four months. You are free to choose which consultant you would like to be under the care of or you can ask for the earliest available appointment, with no preference for consultant.

Step 3

Complete pre-consult investigations

Contact your referring GP to order you and your partner the following tests and investigations. We understand it may not be possible to get some of these tests quickly in the current climate, but it's important to try your best to get these done prior to your first consultation, so your fertility consultant has a complete and holistic view of your and your partner's current health. This way, your time can be spent creating a treatment plan that's customised to you. Send in your pre-investigation results before your initial appointment by clicking the button on the left. Alternatively please contact the nursing team on 02) 9383 6633 to let us know where you have attended your investigations so they can prepare your file prior to your consultation. If you have had treatment elsewhere please send copies of treatment summaries and embryology worksheets (if applicable). Please bring copies of your results to your first consultation.

  • Female Testing

    Blood Tests

    AMH (approximately $65), TSH, Prolactin, FBC, Iron Studies, HbEPG, Hep B, Hep C, HIV, Syphilis, Karyotype, Rubella IgG, Varicella IgG, CMV IgG, Blood Group, SMA, CF and Fragile X


    Pelvic with Antral Follicle Count during first half of cycle

  • Male Testing

    Blood Tests

    HepB, HepC, HIV, Syphilis, FBC, IronStudies, HbEPG, Blood Group

    Semen Analysis

    (Available through the RHW Andrology Laboratory via appointment – call 02 9382 6643). Charges do apply

Where you can go for testing

Here are some suggested clinics and locations to get your tests completed. Contact your referring GP for the required tests and investigations.

Step 4

Review results at Fertility Consultation

In your initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to speak with fertility consultant and their team, and go through your medical history. Intending patients and their partners must attend this consultation. Depending on the results of the investigations, the clinician may order additional tests and rebook you for a follow-up appointment. They will also discuss what treatments are available to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy and schedule a follow-up appointment to sign consents for the treatment they recommend. Please arrive on time for your appointment and bring in your Medicare card and photo ID. Our administrative team members will then ensure all your personal details are correct.

Step 5

Sign consents at Fertility Consultation

After the consultant and their teams have reviewed your investigations, they will offer you treatment to assist you in achieving a healthy pregnancy if clinically indicated. Intending patients and their partners will need to attend this consultation as it is a legal requirement to sign consents under the presence of the medical practitioner.

Step 6

Book in to Nursing Orientation

Prior to commencing treatment, you will have a Nursing Orientation to discuss your treatment plan and to learn the injections, if relevant. We recommend to contact the nursing staff on 02 9382 6633 to pre-book this appointment approximately 7-10 days prior to the commencement of your period. This appointment is scheduled on weekdays only, usually at 11am, 1pm or 2pm, and lasts for approximately 30 minutes.

Step 7

Call the nursing team on first day of period to start treatment

Please contact the nursing staff on 02 9382 6633 on the first day of your period in order to arrange monitoring. There is no waitlist to start ovulation induction, cycle tracking or intrauterine insemination. There is a waitlist related to accessing IVF services. We work hard on managing demand and ensuring the service is equitable to all our patients. This means you may not be able to start treatment immediately and be asked to be commenced on the OCP (Oral Contraceptive Pill) so we can time your IVF treatment start date with available theatre dates. This will be discussed at your consultation with the medical team and at nursing orientation. We offer a maximum of two IVF Cycles per patient before the female turns 41 years of age.

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The Fertility and Research Centre is located on the Ground Floor of the Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick, NSW.

Nursing enquiries: 02 9382 6633

Nurse clinic hours: 7:30am – 4:00pm weekdays, 8:00am - 12:00 pm weekends and public holidays.

Administrative enquiries:
Phone: 02 9382 6666
Fax: 02 9382 6638
Email (general enquiries) : seslhd-fertilityandresearchcentre@health.nsw.gov.au

In partnership with:

UNSW Sydney
The Royal Hospital for Women Foundation
Sony Foundation Australia


We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. We're an inclusive workplace that embraces diversity in all its forms.

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About this site:

The FRC website operates independently from NSW Health. Designed by Ink + Iris.