Services offered
Fertility Preservation
We provide a holistic approach to your specialist treatment all under one centre.
Testing required
Services offered
We understand that facing your future fertility options is difficult, especially when undergoing cancer treatments.
As Australia’s first dedicated state-wide fertility preservation service, we specialise in fertility preservation treatments for anyone facing a cancer diagnosis, particularly children and young adults. We provide full clinical workup and management within a team of clinicians, surgeons, nurses, midwives, scientists and counsellors, with fees covered by Medicare, where possible.
Egg Freezing
Egg freezing is an assisted reproduction technique that allows a woman to have her eggs stored for future use.
The process involves taking medications over approximately 2 weeks to stimulate your ovaries to create eggs which are collected during a Day Procedure at the Royal Hospital for Women and frozen for future use.
Female testing (Egg and Embryo Freezing Only)
Blood test
Oestradiol, AMH (approximately $65), LH, FSH, Progesterone, beta hCG, HIV, HepBSAg, Hep C, VDRL, HTLV 1 & 2, CMV
Pelvic with Antral Follicle Count
For Urgent Patients: the Clinical Nurse Consultant for Fertility Preservation can be contacted to assist in arranging these tests on 02 9383 6633.
Male testing (Sperm freezing)
Blood Tests
Male oncology patients wishing to access Sperm Freezing services will have a blood test once consultation and Andrology appointment is made.