Blood Tests
Oestradiol, AMH (approximately $65), LH, FSH, Progesterone, beta hCG, HIV, HepBSAg, Hep C, VDRL, HTLV 1 & 2, CMV
You can refer your oncology patient to the Fertility and Research Centre here via this online form. To assist in a timely process, we ask that GPs/specialists organise the below tests for their patients prior to their FRC consultation. Please include summaries and investigations of any past pregnancies.
Oestradiol, AMH (approximately $65), LH, FSH, Progesterone, beta hCG, HIV, HepBSAg, Hep C, VDRL, HTLV 1 & 2, CMV
Pelvic with Antral Follicle Count
Male oncology patients wishing to access sperm freezing services will have a blood test once consultation and Andrology appointment is made.